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Jews4Donald Trump

Gratitude is one of the most important values in Judaism. 

While president, Donald Trump championed religious and traditional American values, thus furthering the biblical vision for mankind. 

In relation to the Jewish community: Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital, moved America's embassy to Jerusalem, withdrew America from the UN's anti-Israel Human Rights Council, signed the Taylor Force Act into law, commuted the sentence of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, and issued the boldest presidential declaration ever on anti-Semitism: "And those seeking [the Jews'] destruction, we will seek their destruction."

For Trump's work on behalf of America and biblical values, he has been viciously maligned, libeled, and attacked by both Democrats and Republicans.  He was impeached twice and is now the subject of multiple phony legal investigations.  He has been hounded non-stop for seven years.

To turn our backs on Trump now would be the height of ingratitude and thus supremely unJewish.  We at Jews4DonaldTrump support him and believe the Republican nomination rightfully ought to go to him.

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